Public Deliverables

During the development of the project a subset of deliverables will be delivered as public. The following table summarizes all public deliverables which will be published. Finished docs will be downloadable following the link in the table:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title
Glossary MIDAS Glossary: Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms
Dissemination of preparatory requirements and state of the art for the successfully exploitation of the MIDAS solution
D2.1 Requirements for automatically testable services and services architecture
D6.1 Analysis of required functionalities and available public Cloud services
D8.1 MIDAS impact assessment plan
D8.2 The risk and cost impacts of inadequate infrastructure for Service Oriented Architecture Testing
D8.4 Market analysis of SOA testing: Final version
Dissemination of scientific and technological results and tools
D4.2 Libraries for SOA automated test execution
D5.1 Methods and tools for the intelligent planning and scheduling of test campaigns.
D5.2 Intelligent planning and scheduling: specifications refinement and early mockup
D6.2 Specification and design of the basic MIDAS Platform as a service on the cloud
Dissemination, standardization and collaboration Public Deliverables
D9.1 Dissemination Plan
D9.2 Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration Report
D9.3 Assessment report for adopting and for contributing to testing standards in the MIDAS Platform
D9.4 Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration Report
D9.5 Report on the impact of the MIDAS testing framework on test standards development
D9.6 Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration report