Logistics Division

With this center, nationally recognized by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in the call centers of learning of the Plan Avanza, we will generate and promote a better understanding on the direct impact of ICT in any business supply chain, uniting the fields of logistics and information technology and communications, both scientific-technological and solutions applicable in the real world.


Generation, adaptation, transfer and diffusion of knowledge in the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in solving logistical problems, with special emphasis on optimizing processes and the integration of actors in the chain supply to develop a collaborative and sustainable logistics.


  • At European level: center with consolidated and stable presence in the technology platforms and reference projects in Logistics and Information Technology and Communications.
  • At national level: science and technology reference concerning the application of ICT in processes, especially manufacturing and logistics.
  • At regional level: technological benchmark in the transfer of knowledge and in promoting participation in the national and European programs of Aragon companies, especially the logistical and ICT sectors.


  • To generate new knowledge on their own projects supported, germs of dissertations and patents, intensive and extensive application of ICT, aimed at optimizing processes and the development and implementation of a collaborative and sustainable logistics.
  • To support the company in seeking and implementing ICT solutions, seeking the one hand the most technologically advanced solutions and more appropriate to the type of company, business and environment to which they are addressed, so as to ensure success.
  • To make available to the company a laboratory where test, analyze and evaluate different technological solutions both in isolation and in interaction with other systems, assessing the capacity of their integration with other solutions (interoperability) and providing as appropriate appropriate solutions for integration.
  • To increase awareness on the use of ICT technologies as a driver of logistics. This knowledge is translated into elements of technology diffusion (a collection of technical documents for guidance in the implementation of various ICT technologies as tools for problem solving) and the organization of conferences and congresses.
  • To give a set of high value-added services, such as optimization of logistics processes in supply chain through the use of models and intelligent demand forecasting.
  • To promote the use of ICTs in the logistics sector, including SMEs and the appearance of ICT and developing projects associated with them.