D7.3 Supply Chain Management pilot – making testable the architecture, has been delivered

This document summarizes activities performed in the Supply Chain Management Pilot according to the Pilots Integration Plan by making use of the technical results and milestones of MIDAS platform and aligned to the Platform Integration Plan activities.

The main purpose is to give an early feedback regarding the usage of the MIDAS platform by users in testing Logistics GS1 LIM service architectures and evaluating the main success factors and key performance indicators from the users’ point of view.

During this first increment the activities have been focused on acquire knowledge in the MIDAS DSL and create a MIDAS DSL compliant SAUT model. As a main conclusion, we have identified some positive aspects, some improvement opportunities and main risks in order to achieve a successful adoption of MIDAS platform by end-users, in particular, people without technical skills in the testing domain.

This early feedback is based on limited information, because due to a 5 months delay according the initial Pilots schedule, there’s no end-to-end scenario where users can upload models and interpret test results.

Anyway we believe that with this joint work between TMC-UMC partners, we can identify barriers, develop new features and validate them in practice in order to mitigate these risks sooner.