GA meeting in Kranj

On on July 2nd, 2014, General Assembly met in Kranj at a meeting organized by SINTESIO.

Scope of the meeting was to discuss about the outcomes of the mid-term review held in Brussels on May 8th, to face the open issues of the ongoing work packages and to prepare the next annual review meeting schedules on October 22nd, 2014.

The main conclusions were:

  • D4.3, D4.4 and D4.5 will be released as a single component of the MIDAS Platform.
  • All the demos that will be shown at the annual review should use real data obtained from the Pilots.
  • A specific training plan will be developed.
  • A specific Pilots Integration Plan will be developed.
  • A specific meeting will be organised in order to discuss about accounting and billing from the commercial point of view of the MIDAS Platform.
  • Next GA meeting will take place on October (6-8) by the premises of UGOE.


 MIDAS partners in Kranj