MIDAS Platform Integration Plan

The software developed by the MIDAS project consists of distinct modules developed by different technical partners. Because of this distributed nature of the system, the integration of the modules is a challenge, but also vital for the success of MIDAS. This document defines the strategy for the technical integration of the developed modules. This strategy is a step-by-step procedure for the technical integration, starting with only API descriptions and dummies succeeded by an incremental expanding of the system until we have the fully functional platform. To this aim, this document defines six steps for the test method integration supported by five auxiliary steps for, e.g., public APIs and cloud deployment. A list of all technical modules that are developed by the platform is included in the Annex of this document.

All the developed technical components are integrated into a shared Virtual Machine Image (VMI). The VMI is the integration environment of MIDAS. Additionally, the VMI is designed in a way that it can also be deployed on the cloud (possibly with small changes). This allows the pilots and the technical partners to have a local version of MIDAS they can use for internal testing and sandboxing of the platform.

Through the development and integration, the technical partners work closely together with the pilot providers. For example, representatives of the pilots join the TMC meetings and, therefore, stay in the loop of the technical development and integration. This allows immediate feedback by the pilots, if they detect discrepancies with what they are expecting. Additionally, scenarios for the use of MIDAS that will be used during the integration testing of MIDAS are defined together by the technical partners and the pilots. This integration plan outlines how the developed scenarios will look like, both from the technical side as well as from a use case side.

This platform integration plan describes the integration strategy for the technical integration of MIDAS, i.e., how the technical partners will build the MIDAS platform. This integration plan is totally compliant with the MIDAS DOW and the content of the deliverables D2.2, D3.1, D4.1, D5.1. To this aim, the planprovides five things:

  • a schedule with concrete steps for integrating the developed software modules from sharing of APIs to the final deployment on the cloud,
  • the definition of increments that are produced during the technical development,
  • a description of the integration environment that is used for the building of the MIDAS platform,
  • a list of developed modules and their degree of completion per increment, and
  • the definition of the interaction with the pilot provides.

Overview of the major MIDAS integration steps