Meeting in Pisa

On November 27th and 28th, the MIDAS General Assembly (GA) met in the Office of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa.

The main objective was to discuss about the Integration Plan and to achieve a better alignment between the technical and the pilots cases within the project.

In the Technical Management Commitee (TMC) meeting, there were discussion about:

  • the structure of the integration plan
  • increments for the MIDAS development and technical integration
  • the timeline for finishing the integration plan
  • the conceptual integration and the MIDAS Domain Specific Language
  • the Intelligent Scheduling and Test Generation

In the Users Management Commitee (UMC) meeting, there were discussion about:

  • the scope of the D8.2 and the methodology in order to recruit the information from all consortium
  • the Table of Contents of D2.3 to include the pilot integration plan and define pilot objectives and activities

After this paralell sessions a consensus GA meeting took place. At the end of the meeting CNR performed a demonstration and tutorial of shared VM usage.


GA Meeting in the Office of the Italian National Research Council