Deliverable D9.1 Dissemination Plan Published

This deliverable aims to plan the set of actions that will be carried out within the project to raise awareness of the objectives, activities and especially the results achieved during the project life cycle.

The plan discusses the objectives of MIDAS project to express the overall message that MIDAS Consortium must spread as a result of project development. Then we analyze the target audience categories and their peculiarities, so that we can maximize the effective transmission of the results achieved for each of them.

The deliverable also presents the guidelines that drive the dissemination strategy, which will focus on the project web site, generating specific dissemination materials with the resulting diffusion being obtained and its presentation in various scientific, technological and sectorial events.

Finally, it presents a set of specific activities that put in place the strategy and that will be customized for each type of target audience. This will detail the materials to be produced, and possible events in which to participate.

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