ERF2017 workshop “Towards human robot collaboration in Logistics”

Session Title
Towards human robot collaboration in Logistics

Jesús, Alfonso de la Riva; Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón;Spain;
Martin, Magnusson; Örebro University; Sweden;
Achim, Lilienthal; Örebro University; Sweden;
Sören Kerner; IML Fraunhofer; Germany;
Libor, Preucil; Czech Technical University in Prague; Czech Republic;
Marc, Hanheide; University of Lincoln; United Kingdom;

Motivation and Objectives

This workshop is being organised by the euRobotics Topic Group for robots in logistics and transport in close collaboration with consortium members of projects ILIAD, STRANDS and Safelog . The main objective is to bring together researchers from academia and industry, in order to discuss the major challenges and opportunities for Robotics in Logistics and Transport

The workshop consist in two sections; Flash presentations from selected speakers and a round table.

During the round table, we will discuss about content of presentations and collaboration and human-robot interaction in logistics use cases.

In order to interactively engage the audience and to allow them to contribute and share their view in a structured way, the workshop will use an online voting tool, that participants will be using on their mobile devices (phone, tablets, laptops) with a standard internet connection. Details can be found at


Wednesday March 22

16:15 – 16:20 Introduction
16:20 – 17:15 Invited contributions from industry and academia

17:15 – 17:45: Round Table: (Moderator Sören Kerner) Robotics for logistics and transport: Collaborative or not?

Further information (Should participants prepare anything for the workshop etc.)

We will use an online voting tool, so bring your mobile device fully charge.