

Red.es is the Public Business Entity under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (Minetur) responsible for promoting the development of the Information Society in Spain and implementing projects under the Avanza Plan in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información (SETSI), working with regional governments, Councils, Local authorities and the private sector in terms of information technology and communications.

The actions Red.es managed under the Convention for the Demonstration Centre are part-financed with funds from the FEDER programming period 2007-2013, specifically, Operational Programme of Aragon 2007-2013.



Aragon Technology Institute

The Aragon Technology Institute (ITA INNOVA), under the Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon, aims to promote research, development and innovation (I+D+i) applied to the business, as a catalyst for productivity and competitiveness.



Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism

The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism is responsible for the Government’s policy on energy, industrial development, tourism, telecommunications and information society.

Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo


Aragon government

The Aragon Government is the governing administration of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. The Demonstration Centre is managed by the Aragon Institute of Technology (ITA) under the Department of Industry and Innovation.

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