Supply chain

cdsThe supply chain module consists of a plastic with the usual components of a supply chain. It includes a physical model (consisting of several suppliers or providers, warehouse and several clients) and an identification model and monitoring system (consisting of a UHF RFID system and a computer vision system).

It is used to evaluate the possibilities of identification systems, monitoring and control of the flow of products common in supply chains, represented by small trays of products that move through the plastic.

The chain includes the following material streams:

  • Any provider can send any other provider trays with products from other manufacturers to complete any order, the store or with the destination of any client.
  • From the warehouse is available to send product trays to any client, in terms that the order has assigned only one destination client or a group of them.
  • There is a return way from clients to the warehouse or to the providers to simulate inverse logistics.
  • The trays located in the customers could be exchanged with any other tray from or to any other equipment in the demonstration center.


  • Physical model with points of automatic identification, RFID, vision systems.
  • Virtual model: simulation and optimization system integrated with the physical model.
  • System integration platforms.


  • Show different identification technologies, control and monitoring of products in the Supply Chain.
  • Model, simulate and evaluate the interaction between ICT solutions and different configurations of dynamic and complex SC.
  • Show the exchange of information between agents of the Supply Chain (manufacturers, warehouse and customers).
  • Show applications of electronic invoicing in the Supply Chain.
